I'm getting older
Today I got a surprise phone call from my hometown youth! (It was almost 5 years that I am away from my hometown......use to be a youth worker in my home church.) So, this youth of mine by the name of Ah Kuan, I was teaching him when he was like 13-14 something. And now he is really all grow up, looking for a new life in a big city, young and tender, full of dreams & playful, and he is 19 years old! (And how old I became!......) So, I took him for lunch, show him a bit of my church and we have a jamming session in the main hall. He was improve amazingly playing the bass and drums. I remember how he started to learnt those instruments, it was slow and full of mistakes and I always told him to try again slowly. It's lovely how a note grown into a beautiul song, a seed grown into a beautiful tree! I love passing on what God have taught me with the gift and talent He offers me, that's why I beginning to enjoy teaching my music class. Thanks God for letting me have such pleasure to reach out...... Proverbs 22:6 Teach your children to choose the right path, and when they are older, they will remain upon it.
Hey Felix!! Nice to find your blog and see what you're up to. :) Greetings from another ex-Douloi music-maker!! :)
I read your blog and really enjoy it! I would visit often to dig your MIND!! Ha...
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
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