Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Mime talk....

My recent performance at Brunei

Take a shot before going on stage


Looking tired after performing three mime in a row

My recent trip to Brunei was pretty tiring. My boss drove for 8 hours from Kota Kinabalu, bypass 8 different immigration, sarawak and brunei border, two ferries rides......! (Huh....) And we didn't make it on time for the Youth meeting, so we just did a short talk for 15 minute with a video being shown.
On Sunday, my boss was invited to speak in three different congregation within two place Seria and Bandar, two hours in distance. So in the morning english and chinese service I did two mimes, then we drove for two hours to catch the three o'clock service, arrive just right before the service start. (Goodness me!!) I quickly arrange the setup and went to the WC for make-up, it was really a record breaking.
By the time we finish, it was about 5pm, my face was feeling crack and looks really horrible. We drove back to my boss's friend house and I went straight to bed, can't take another mime anymore. (Huh......)