Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Uncover my Mask!

Q&A about me (including my secrets!)
Ready????!!! In 3..2...1... GO!!!!!!

1. Does anyone know your password to your email?
2. What was the last thing you ordered at McDonalds?
Something "Foldover" with French Fries.
3. Are you an emotional person?
4. Do you like your name?
Digging it! (The HK Famous restaurant was named after my name!)
5. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yes, but usually doesn't last!
6. Ever felt jealous of your friend?
Who's not!
7. What was the last thing you did?
Drinking Herbal Tea
8. Who is right next to you?
9. Who was the last person you ate with?
10. What song are you listening to right now?
Golden by Jill Scott
11. How's the weather right now?
Dark Cloud, heavy rain
12. Last person who called you today?
My partner
14. Last song you sang?
Moon River
15. Last time you danced?
5 min ago
16. Lost a friendship over something stupid?
Yupe, we were arguing over an issue
17. Last thing you ate?
Menthol (New green apple flavour)
18. Been really depressed before?
19. Faked being sick to miss school?
My favourite tricks to get out of duties
20. What time did you wake up today?
21. Who is the person that posted this survey?
IEN the cheeky girl from Perak....
22. What are you wearing right now?
Light Blue shirt with Black pants
23. Are you too shy to ask anyone out?
24. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Breasts (to be honest!)
25.Where are you right now?
Working in the office
26. What date and day is it?
13th September 2006
27. Did you go anywhere today?
To Secondary School, Town, Restaurant...
28. What did you do there?
Hanging out with students there
29. How old are you?
27 years old
30. Are you mature or immature?
31. Do you call your parents by their first name?
Not really
32. Are you the only child?
The 4th child
33. Where do you go shopping?
34. Do you like where you work?
50/50 (I never really satisfy)
35. Do you like books?
So much
36. Do you want to get married?
A must in my life!
37. To whom?

And Now The Basic!

1)What is your name?
Felix Chai
2)And your age is?
27 (I thought you asked already!)
3)You are male, or female?
4)You want to tell me what you like?
Strawberry, Jazz Album, Cash, Multi function Keyboard, Piano, free buffets......

Random Stuff

1)What is the closest red thing to you right now?
My red eyes
2)Go to the nearest windowsill. How many items are on it?
3)How many computer screens do you have up right now?
4)The closest thing to you with text on, other than the computer, what is it?
A quotation sticking on my screen
5)And what does the text read?
Here I am, Serving God, Just where God wants me to be, doing what God wants me to do, until God tells me to do something else.
6)How many stairs are in your house?
4th Floor, 50 steps
7)How many steps you have to take to get from here to your kitchen?
100 steps (assume)
8)Three green items in your bedroom are?
The Bedsheets, the pillow, my underwears. (i like to match colors)
9)Where are you most ticklish?
No idea
10)How many songs are in your 'my music' folder?
None, my computer broke down recently.
11)How many contacts are on your YM list?
Never counts

Another Stuff

1)Would you say you're good in staring contests?
Pretty much
2)What did you have for breakfast this morning?
Biscuits (on diet)
3)Can you remember what time is was when you started this quiz?
Around 3pm
4)If yes, what time was it? If not, why can't you remember?
Yes 3pm (Man, do you have to be so bubbling!)
5)Was this survey THAT boring?
Kind of!
6)Thanks for taking. Wanna say anything else?
You know too much, I need to shoot you! BANG! Hahahaha.......


iEn said...

wakaakak!! dont shoot me papa!! lariii!!

Felix Chai said...

Haha.... You memang cheeky lah girl!
How's school?

iEn said...

:( pedih dengan assignment i.. uwaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ur answer sedang diperhatikan.. jawapan yg menarik ien akan tampal dlm blog.. ahakz!! :D

Anonymous said...

tahniah bro papa!! visit my blog now!!

Felix Chai said...

Yay! Congratulation to MEEEEEEEEE.....!

iEn said...

wakakakak!! papa!! muaahxx!! :))