Thursday, February 12, 2009


What the......

Oh GOSH! I touched my forehead this afternoon, and it was burning! I should really get some medicine and rest. (Not after I finished writing this post...) You know, last sunday I went to my home church, and they were celebrating 13th Anniversary, and OM Sabah was invited to share the sermon and I did a mime. I didn't know they were going to announce all the ministry and peoples they have supported during the years, and my name was written in the bulletin and on LCD. (What a horrible picture they put up there!! I looked practically like a gorilla! Huh.....) 
So they called each of the representative to collect the letter of appreciation for service, my pastor said there were two missionaries in our midst, one of them is Felix Chai. (Oh my! Finally they label me as missionary! This is cool!!) So I got up there and get my letter, and post a "fake" smile at the camera with my teeth showing. (Eh.....:P) I have been waiting so long for them to finally recognize me in the field, few years...... but God is good and I thanked Him for that. 
Oh! The fever is kicking in, my tummy start making noises and my head is starting to wobbly, GOSH...... I need a doctor! Help!!  

1 comment:

Unknown said...