Today, I went to a local high school Tshung Tshin to meet up a bunch of students for fellowship and Bible study. Life can be interesting in interacting with youngster! They are funny, lots of ideas, sometime serious, but most of the time just playful. (To sum up, a bunch of cheeky fellow!)
Well, we begin the Bible study with "Introduction to Old Testament", it was a piece of cake! Fill in the blank kind of question!
In future, we'll be having a blog just for the cheeky bunch, I wonder what would be a good name?
The following candidates please submit your favourite or ideal name for the new blog:-
Krystal"l"(Blink blink!),
Chung Zyi,
Janice Ong,
Tamar Chang,
Steffi Chong,
Jack Sze Tu,
Calvin or Kevin or Kelvin??,
Reeta...(Thanks Zyi!)
Thanks for your visit! Your efforts to update all philippines arts and literature amaze me! I wish I could do the same! Have a nice day! ^@^
Thanks, the link to your site is not working! Looking forward to visit yours too! Cheers Paul!^@^
Get back to Neo and found your other link! You have terrific blog! ROck on!
hi bro.. :( Arrh! sakit kepala jugaa!
What a painful day! I have taken panadol to make it through the day! Get well soon! (C:
Hey Felix!!!!
Zyi here...
You missed Karen out....
Anyways.... for the blog's name...
Hrmmmmm.... (thinking hard)
How bout calling it the
JUST JOKING... no idea on the name...
Just pick some other more ideal names.
May God bless you!!!! ^_^
Hi i am jenny, thanx you to cames to visit my have a very nice blog and cool arts and i luv your picture ...
take care
Thanks Zyi! Good name "Cheeky Youngster Bunch", put that on hold! Have a great day!
With love,
Dear Jen,
Thank u for visiting! U got a cool blog too!
Best wishes,
Arts of life
Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.
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